Make Sure They See You 

At your best 

Oral Board

Interview Prep  

Get Your Exclusive Session Now!

Level Up Your Game! 

You've spent time and effort to get this far in the process. Now is the time to take advantage of every opportunity to get across the finish line!

Having been on interview panels and promotional assessment centers, I can say that presenting yourself just right is crucial. Too stoic, and you may lose points. Too jovial, and you can be in the same category. 

So how do you determine what will work? You do that by practicing! Our session will have you prepare a set of questions and then a one-on-one mock interview session. 

During the session, you'll answer questions and get feedback on your responses. Additionally, your session will be recorded so that you can really see how you come across. It's all in the details! Eye contact, nervous ticks, confidence, and voice inflection! You'll see what you're doing and be able to work on removing them from your presentation!

You can always ask your spouse or a friend and hope they will be candid with you. At Earn My Badge, you will get direct feedback from someone experienced on the field!

How Our Program Can Take You From Suitable to 

Highly Recommended?

Email Your Resume

Your resume will help me understand your background experiences. You'd be surprised at how much your experiences can apply into your interview responses.

Email your resume to:

Prep Questions in Your Own Time

Even if you decide not to utilize Earn My Badge as your coach, preparing your answers will be a tremendous help.

However, during your session, we'll go over how to improve your response and use your personal experiences to highlight you as a potential police recruit!

Fine Tune Your Presentation!

The interview may be the first and only time an agency will get to see you in person! 

You need to show them why you would be a worthy addition to their agency and that you have prepared for this opportunity. Oh, by the need to do this while answering the interview questions they will be asking!

After your session, you will be better prepared to accomplish all these things!

What Are You Waiting For?

This is your chance to set yourself apart from the competition and get one step closer to earning your badge!

Why would you not take every advantage to get across the finish line?

Earn My Badge will help you get there! Why Wait?

Take action now!